The Polite Society School of Étiquette presents Volume V, The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea Revised Edition, featuring Social Graces, Étiquette History, Introduction Methods, Entertaining Guidelines, Correspondence Protocol, History of Tableware, Dining out Manners, American and Continental Style Dining, Appropriate Dress Attire, Personal Care and Home Management, History of Tea, Types of Tea, Tea Pairings and Tastings, Afternoon Tea in England, Tea Food Dining Instructions, and Formalities for Preparing a “Proper” Afternoon Tea. This revised edition is an updated compilation of Volume I, Volume II, and Volume IV with additional étiquette information and home management guidelines.
The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea Revised Edition offers practical knowledge in basic social skills for all occasions and settings and includes useful information and advice to enhance one’s lifestyle in the social and business world. It takes the reader through a brief history of étiquette, offers introduction methods and conversation techniques, provides guidelines for entertaining, presents illustrations for formal, informal, and family style table settings, and explains the difference between Continental and American Style dining. It also provides instructions on the proper way to consume soups, beverages, tea, coffee, and various difficult foods.
With beautiful photographs, exquisite china, gleaming silver, and stunning floral bouquets, The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea Revised Edition delights the senses with elegant and picturesque table settings, antique teacups, and beautiful linens. Together these elements form the foundation for an elegant table setting.
In the chapters dedicated to Afternoon Tea, detailed information is provided on the history of tea, styles of tea, types of tea, tea pairings with fruits and savouries, and tea tasting characteristics. Instructions are provided on making the perfect pot of tea for this charming custom that was once the hallmark of high society. Detailed guidelines are presented on how to set a proper tea table and how to set up a tea style buffet along with instructions on dining with savouries, scones, and petits fours.
This newest volume illustrates various methods for conducting oneself gracefully in his or her professional life keeping in mind the importance of first impressions. The chapter on virtues contains important information on self-discipline, friendship, courage, and other aspects for living a good life.
As a bonus, The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea Revised Edition journeys through chapters on the history, usage, and care of all tableware which includes flatware, dinnerware, stemware, and crystal. Credit is given to Richard Osterberg’s book, Sterling Silver Flatware (Published in 1994 by Schiffer Publishing Ltd.) for much of this information. Mr. Osterberg’s passionate interest in antiques and silver began during his Vermont childhood. He was introduced to a goldsmith and silversmith from Scotland and over time developed an interest in English, Scottish, and American silver that resulted in several publications.
Credit is also given to William Hanson, executive director and owner of The English Manner based in London. Mr. Hanson is widely regarded as the most trusted authority on étiquette and civility. His life’s work continues to be the training of royalty, government officials, diplomats, and VIPs who wish to integrate good manners into the global forum. Mr. Hanson’s expert advice is priceless.
Whether one is a homemaker, business professional, or student, The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea Revised Edition will empower every reader with confidence as he or she learns life-changing essential manners and practical skills while exploring the world of étiquette. It will serve as one’s treasury of gracious living and offer inspiration for curating welcoming interiors and entertaining for every occasion.
The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea, Volume IV, is a compilation of Volume I and Volume II with added étiquette guidelines and instructions. It offers practical knowledge in basic social skills for all occasions and settings and includes useful information and advice to enhance one's lifestyle in the social and business world. This newest volume takes the reader through a brief history of étiquette, offers introduction methods and conversation techniques, provides guidelines for entertaining, presents illustrations for formal, informal, and family style table settings, and explains the difference between Continental and American style dining. It also provides information on the history, usage, and care of all tableware that includes flatware, dinnerware, stemware, and crystal. The chapters dedicated to tea feature the history of tea, types of tea, tea pairings and tastings, tea food dining instructions, and other useful tea information.
EMMA The Étiquette Cat: Meet Emma, Volume III, is about an adorable Ragdoll feline. She is two years old and is loving and mischievous with an abundance of curiosity. Emma fancies herself as a well-behaved kitty and her daily quest is to please her mum. Sometimes she gets into a bit of trouble, but her mum is very forgiving and gently corrects her. Children will fall instantly in love with Emma as they try to emulate her good manners.
Softcover and kindle available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.
The Art and Proper Étiquette of Afternoon Tea, Volume II, explores the world of tea étiquette accompanied by carefully selected recipes. It presents historic individuals who influenced the development of tea and takes the reader through the history of Victorian Afternoon Tea along with many other tea-influenced cultural traditions. Instructions on how to prepare a “Proper” tea at home, how to brew the perfect pot of tea, and how to prepare savories, scones, and petits fours are included.
Softcover and kindle available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.
The Art of the Social Graces, Volume I, offers practical knowledge in basic social skills for all occasions. It takes the reader through a brief history of étiquette, offers introduction methods, provides techniques for entertaining, and explains proper protocols for invitations. Formal, informal, and family style table setting guidelines are provided along with instructions on Continental and American style dining.
Softcover and kindle available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.